Specifically for easter offers; with a small adjustment, it can . Easily be used for any other (seasonal) email marketing campaign. After the first newsletter with . The campaign offers has been sent out, after a waiting period there is a reminder . Newsletter – here on easter monday for example – in which the campaign and the . Approaching end are pointed out again.
This automation is of course
Also suitable for all . Campaigns, for russia cell phone number list example at the start of school, an anniversary, etc. And if the campaign . Should be extended? Then simply extend the email automation chain with additional modules. Here’s how . To do it in steps: set shipping date and time, e.G. B. The saturday before . Easter. Choose your recipients. Create and select easter automation newsletter.
Set the waiting time with
. The desired date and time, e.G. B. Until easter monday. Select or create an automation . Newsletter. After a final check, activate email how did the first printed automation. Send your blog posts cleverreach email marketing . Automation templates – blog posts the “send your blog posts” automation is perfect for bloggers . And content creators. With this email sending automation, your subscribers will regularly receive your latest .
Content as a newsletterthis
Means your readers won’t miss any of your posts – . And you’ll enjoy more traffic with less effort. You can find a detailed description of . This automation europe email in the help center article “send rss feeds automatically with thea” good to . Know: a valid rss url is required to use this automation! Here’s how to do . It in steps: set the sending time for the regular newsletter, e.
Gmonthly or weekly
Choose your recipients. Set up the rss module with your rss feed url and . Other settings such as text length or number of posts for displaying your feed in . The newsletter. Create automation newsletter with the rss template. After a final check, activate email . Automation. Send out your cyber week campaign cleverreach email marketing automation templates – cyber week .