How did the first printed


How did the first printed graphics  appear? The first representation of an infographic was recorded on a wall, the place humans use to communicate. Over time, however, this space migrated and paper gained more space. Thus, the first printed graphics could be those of Scheiner and Playfair, two examples of how this technique began to become popular, thanks to the power of printing. How did it evolve into what we understand today as infographics? With digital transformation, society as a whole has changed in recent years, right? When we think about communication, therefore, it was no different, and the infographic is an example of this.

Even though it was already

Even though it was already used as a architect data valuable resource to enrich content and information, the use of the internet and various technological resources allowed the advancement of infographics to the online environment. As a result, they gained even more functionality, resulting in more benefits for those who use this technique. More than migrating from paper to online, they have new features, such as interactivity. Currently, interactive infographics have become an efficient tool for brands, seeking an even greater connection with their audiences through relevant content.

What are the benefits of

What are the benefits of investing in ai leverages big data to infographics? We already mentioned here that they are a trend and that they are highly attractive content, right? If you still need more reasons to adopt infographics, check out this list: Infographics represent statistical data in a more intuitive and easy-to-consume way, as they translate or present numbers in a more pleasant way, because there is nothing more intimidating than lines and lines of incomprehensible data and graphs; They have an absurd potential to become viral in view of their attractiveness and ease of sharing; Because of their viral nature, a greater number of people will be redirected to your page, ensuring greater opportunities to reach higher positions in search engines; The arrangement of elements in this type of material facilitates a more dynamic reading, as each piece of information has its own specific space in the piece, making it easier to find; Infographics can increase your website’s traffic by %; They can also be great branding tools, since you can — and should — use them to reinforce your brand identity.

What are the visual resources

What are the visual resources used?To aol email list create infographics, some visual concepts must be understood.Infographics use different visual languages ​​in order to transmit information clearly and quickly.Understand what these languages ​​are and when to use them:Verbal LanguageWe use verbal language when the graphic/imagery representation of one of the items in the infographic becomes too complex or simply less efficient. Instead of taking the risk of trying to represent something in a way that can be misinterpreted or not understood, the corresponding word is used and this can be written or spoken text (in the case of a video infographic with voiceover).

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