However, is how they deal with and interpret the . Opening rate, as due to the introduction of apple’s mail privacy protection (mpp) with the . Release of ios and macos monterey, this ensures that tracking email opens and geographical allocation . Is only possible to a limited extent as long as the recipient does not interact . With the content but simply consumes it.
Therefore it is now even
More relevant to . Place content that slovenia phone number list promotes interaction and to extend the information contained in the email using . A call-to-action and not to waste all your powder exclusively in the newsletter. Birthday emails . Are a fantastic way to surprise your customers and strengthen your relationship. With cleverreach’s free . Newsletter templates and email automation feature, creating and sending birthday emails is easier than ever .
Beforeuse this opportunity to
Be remembered and delight your how to attract guests with interior photos customers. Start using the cleverreach . Newsletter tool today and send unforgettable birthday greetings! Mail privacy protection from apple: this is . What you need to know for your newsletter reporting sabine kowalski content marketing managerin share . Mail privacy protection from apple: this is what you need to know for your newsletter . Reporting mail privacy protection (mpp) came into force on september , what exactly is mpp .
And why is it relevant
For your email marketing? The most important things about mpp . At a glance with the current ios update, apple mail users can set that their . Email europe email openings can no longer be tracked the geographical assignment of the recipients and the . Device used are no longer traceable due to this setting apple automatically loads all images . Including tracking pixels without recipients opening emails themselves the opening rate in newsletter reporting would .
Therefore be distorted cleverreach has
Implemented technical measures that exclude apple mail users from open . Rate reporting and open-based automation click rates and other behavior can still be tracked and . Are recommended for measuring success what is mail privacy protection? A new data protection setting . For receiving email was introduced this month in ios , ipados , macos monterey and . Watchos : mail privacy protection (mpp).