Marketing Strategist
A strong brand is the dream of every entrepreneur who thinks about building a profitable business. However .
It is easier to dream than to create one, because the branding process itself consists of many steps that require consistent and coherent execution over a long period of time.
To understand what a strong brand is, it is worth first explaining what a brand itself is and where brands come from.
As a curiosity, the word Brand itself comes from the Old Norse language – Brandr, which originally meant “to burn”.
Around 950 it came brazil telegram data to mean a burning piece of wood, around 1300 it meant a burning torch, and around 1500 it was already a mark of ownership on cattle.
In English . The verb “to mark” means “marking something . And the noun “mark” is nothing more than a “sign”. This is probably why the word “brand” was adopted in Polish.
How did a burning torch become a brand?
The burning of signs of belonging to an owner has accompanied people since ancient times – back then . Livestock . Including slaves .Were marked with burning . So that they could be recognized more easily when they ran away from their owner.
Of course, craftsmen and artists also marked their products to distinguish the fruits of their work.
Nevertheless, the very meaning of the word brand as a “symbol of ownership” comes from English medieval cattle breeders who used branding on the skin of cows to enable them to recognize their own animals when they got separated from the herd and lost. It is from them that the word “to brand” comes.
We owe the beginning of branding to the English how to start your own infobusiness Industrial Revolution . Which initiated increased competition for mass-produced goods.
It was during the Industrial Revolution that the need arose to differentiate similar products using distinctive signs.
The country that has mass-marketed branding agb directory itself (the process of creating a brand) is considered to be the United States.
It is in America that the largest part of the currently used branding theories was created and it is in the States that the largest number of top brands, valued at over a billion dollars . Are located.