What are keywords?Keywords are the way in which the user writes their question in a search engine and which activate the display of indexed pages in the search engine.Keyword research on GoogleWhen a user searches for certain terms, Google searches its index for the pages that best match them and displays them in the search results. The order in which they appear is the result of a series of ranking factors, as we saw before. Therefore, keywords are essential in the SEO strategy, as they reveal which terms our persona has been searching for.
They define the optimization focus
They define the optimization focus of a page, so paytm data that Google indexes for the correct terms, presents it to users who search for them and ensures that its content is in demand. It’s important to know that Google already has the intelligence to understand search intentions, human language and the variations in terms that may occur. This means that, if you want to optimize a blogpost for “carry-on luggage”, for example, you don’t need to worry about using exactly that keyword in your text, much less repeating it insistently.
You can use synonyms such
You can use synonyms, such as “hand luggage” or “on-board luggage”, which make reading more enjoyable. And even if the user types the term with errors or variations, such as “carry-on luggage” or “carry-on luggage”, Google will understand the new hotel room rules: you’ll get more bookings user’s search intent and present your page to them. Therefore, exact keyword matching no longer needs to be a concern. Search typesDuring a shopping journey, people can adopt different search types to resolve their queries. To create your content and SEO strategies, you need to understand with what intention each search is made, to align user queries with what your brand has to deliver to them.
Let’s see what the main
Let’s see what the main types of search au emai list are:NavigationalNavigational search happens when the user already knows which website they want to browse and is unlikely to change their final destination. So, it uses Google as a shortcut, a way to remember the full URL or suggest a related search within that site. Navigational SearchTransactionalTransactional search is a search related to a purchase. The user may want to buy a product, find the address of a store or compare prices, for example.
This type of search is
This type of search is valuable because it can lead directly to the purchase, as the user has made the most advanced decision. Transactional searchInformationalIn informational search, the user searches for information about a subject, product or brand. Here, he still doesn’t really know what he wants, which shows that he is at the beginning of the purchasing journey. The search below, for example, could be the beginning of the journey to purchase a running shoe: Informational searchLocalLocal searches are searches with a geographic component, within a certain region.