There will be a world championship in my city. How to get maximum booking and earn a lot?

The World Championship is a great chance to get maximum profit. How to prepare for the upcoming event?

Specify the prices at which you are guaranteed to accommodate guests during the championship
The price may be higher than usual, but the most important thing is that it should be relevant and guarantee the guest’s check-in. You can specify the prices in My listings . Select the desired listing, click “Edit prices” and specify the prices in the “Seasonal prices” block.

Determine the minimum length of stay

The World Cup is a large-scale germany telegram data  event, and guests usually stay in the city for several days, as they want to attend several matches. Therefore, there is a chance to get long-term bookings. Specify the minimum number of nights for which you will accommodate guests during the tournament. You can do this in the same block shown in the previous paragraph.

Create extra sleeping space

There will be more guests than so if you are a  usual during the 2018 World Cup. It would be better to increase the number of sleeping places: install additional beds, sofas or simple folding beds.

Enable “Priority Placement”

The higher you raise your home whatsapp phone number  ad in the search, the more bookings you will have. There is no point in saving on the service: during the championship, you can rent out your accommodation at a higher price, and the costs of Priorities will be fully recouped. You can connect the service on the My properties and Manage positions pages .

Update your ad description

In the “Detailed Description” section, it is advisable to provide as much information as possible. For example, write where the stadium is located and how to get there. If there are other places near your home that are related to the championship and will be of interest to fans (fan zones, sports bars, parks, etc.), it is better to mention this as well. And of course, it is worth mentioning that you are happy to host the guests of the World Cup.

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