Create complex and individual email automations with endless setting options . Setting up an email marketing workflow has never been easier: with the help of our . Automation tool, you can create multi-level newsletter chains in no time. In the automation workflow . You can individually design your email marketing automations like on a drawing board. Sounds complicated . And like a lot of effort? But it’s not at all: just use our templates .
For email marketing automationwhat
Is an email marketing automation workflow? With an email automation . Workflow, emails are automatically sent to your customers. Not uae cell phone number list just a single automated email response, . But a coordinated sequence. Once set up, your recipients will always receive the right message . At the right time thanks to automated sending. This not only makes your life easier, . But also more successful.
Not only do you provide
Your recipients with the latest information . And offers, you also strengthen customer loyalty at the same time. The great thing about . An advanced some of them cannot understand workflow is that you can not just send multiple emails in a row, . But you can also set up branches. Our automation tool detects, for example, who has . Opened your newsletter and who has not, or whether a link was clicked.
This information flows back
Into the workflow and, using an ifthen function, an opener then receives a . Different follow-up email than a non-opener. So you only need to europe email create the relevant emails . Once and then you can sit back and relax. Thanks to automated emails, your recipients . Receive content tailored to their behavior and your customer communication becomes – completely automatically – . Even more personal and better.
How do I create an
Advanced automation workflow? The principle . Is very simple and self-explanatory: simply drag and drop individual elements for your email series . Onto the virtual drawing board of our automation tool. Connect events, actions and flow control . Options to create an automation route that suits your needs. You can find a definition . Of the individual elements in our help center article “the extended workflow”.