I’m not going to lie that balancing responsibilities as a mother and a professional is an easy task, because it isn’t. But the two make me happy together, and somehow I need to make the two work well together. Therefore, I want to share with you some tips that work well for me! One of them is: Identify the real needs — of the children and of work. Surveying all your needs in separate lists helps you see the situation you find yourself in.
An example is: my daughters
An example is: my daughters, like all advertising data children, need to feel emotionally safe, it was something I identified, so in our routine I prioritize activities that generate connection between us — things like: cooking together, reading the same book while cuddling, watching movies holding hands, etc. I’ve noticed that when I do one of these activities, they feel loved and safe, so they are free to do the things they like and then I gain time to dedicate myself to other tasks that I like and need, like work.
And to deal with the
And to deal with the regret of spending several hours focused on work, I say phrases that don’t let them forget how much I care about them, even when I can’t pay as much attention while working from home. Things like: “you brighten my days” “I love you, no matter what happens” “I’m here with you, we’ll get through this together” “thank you for your help” “I’m sorry, I’ll try differently next time” “you can talk, I’m listening to you” “I understand you” This way we can live one day at a time, enjoying each moment intensely and with a grateful heart for the daily choices and permissions.
Bárbara GeorgianeAmanda Gusmão Freelance writer
Bárbara GeorgianeAmanda Gusmão, Freelance aol email list writer — BrazilI already worked from home before social isolation, but my routine was well defined. I often took the computer to work while my children took swimming lessons and negotiated some work while waiting for classes to end. But, with the interruption of services and schools, our lives became mixed and concentrated within four walls. On some days, everything seems chaos and despair takes over, on others, we bake cakes and have fun like never before.
I think we are living
I think we are living in a moment of intimate and social transformation. We are in the cocoon phase, which is not always easy to deal with. But I believe that we will come out of it more beautiful and knowing how to value life differently. Amanda GusmãoDébora Torres, Software Developer — BrazilWorking from home with a young child at home is undoubtedly a great challenge, in the same way that it is a gift to be able to spend more time with them at this important stage of their development.