Folks use what I like to call “The Field of Dreams Approach” “If I just . publish really great content traffic will magically find my site and sign up for my . service/buy my product!” website visitors leads build it If it were that easy I’d be . rich Hell we’d all be rich Unlike Ray’s baseball field in the movie however publishing . a bunch of great content isn’t enough to generate a ton of leads— or more .
Importantly Turn That Website Traffic
Importantly turn that website traffic into leads armenia cell phone number list Here’s the deal — the vast majority of . your visitors will leave your website without doing anything at all That means you’ve wasted . time money and energy getting users to your website — only for them to say . “Thanks but no thanks” That’s a ton of money down the drain So how do . you make it right? The key to closing the content loop and turning visitors into .
Leads Is Actually Pretty Simple
leads is actually pretty simple Find the right traffic and how to sell on amazon india – simple steps to get you started then figure out what they . need Watch the full webinar here Note Identify anonymous website traffic by using Leadfeeder to . see companies already visiting your website Sign up for Leadfeeder’s free 14-day free trial Step . 1 Attract the right traffic Let’s say you have a SaaS website with an average . conversion rate of around five percent That means for every 100 people you attract to .
Your Website Just Five of
Your website just five of them actually sign up for a free top 10 products to export from india [2025] trial (which is . what we’re counting as a conversion in this example) Now most site owners would focus . on conversion optimization methods to tempt the other 95 percent of visitors to convert But . maybe the issue isn’t your conversion tactics but rather the type of users you are . attracting Instead of focusing on conversions first focus on attracting the right type of traffic .
Here’s How Look at Your
Here’s how Look at your current client list changsha mobile phone number list Start by looking at your current client . list — not just anyone who buys from you but your gold star clients The . ones that convert easily and are willing to invest heavily in what you have to . offer Then break that list into segments Who is most likely to do an initial . search on your website? Keep in mind it might not be the decision-maker — or .