Tagging using tagging as a starting point means that the . Automation is triggered by an action from the recipient. Tagging means adding a tag to . A recipient record. This tagging then triggers the automation; the recipient’s action “triggers” the email . Automation. Our tag-based automation route in the extended workflow is kept very short. However, it . Can be extended as required by additional emails.
Of course you can also
Set the . Waiting time individually. You thailand cell phone number list can find more information on our “tags as triggers in email . Automation” page. Here’s how to do it in steps: select the day to start the . Automation. Select the waiting time until you receive the first newsletter. If you want the . Newsletter to be sent immediately after tagging, delete the “waiting” module (the hourglass).
Create or select automation
Newsletter. And done! After a final check, activate email automation. Respond to an . Orderproduct purchases cleverreach email marketing since i got pregnant automation templates – product purchase of course, an order or . Purchase confirmation as an automatic email response has long been standard in e-commerce, sometimes expanded . To include a shipping confirmation. But does this turn a customer into a repeat customer? .
Probably by chance – or
If he is already a fan of your company. And . This is exactly where email marketing comes in: unlike the automatic confirmation emails europe email from e-commerce . Solutions, with cleverreach you can use your purchase confirmations for your email marketing. This is . How you turn your customers into fans! It is not enough to shout “buy me” . At regular intervals – or, in the case of newsletters, to randomly email special offers.
On the contrary in
The worst case scenario this will even lead to you unsubscribing . From the newsletter because it is annoying. Rather, it is important to be helpful and . Offer added value. You can achieve this by reacting individually to your customers’ purchases in . Your online shop. Your creativity is required here, because different ideas make sense depending on . The orientation of your shop.