Brand Distinctive Resources and Their Impact on Brand Strength

In practice, it is difficult to achieve clear brand positioning without having so-calledwhich are responsible for recognizing, remembering and creating associations with the brand.

A distinctive brand asset is, in other words, the characteristic way in which a brand communicates with its audiences and consumers.

When a brand has developed distinctive assets, their communication is easier to notice. For example, the characteristic McDonald’s arches are easily recognizable from a distance, even by a 3-4 year old child.

The list of distinctive resources that can  germany telegram data   be developed includes the following items:

  • Logo
  • Brand slogan/campaign slogan
  • Typography
  • Key Visual
  • Sounds – e.g. brand jingle (e.g. Intel)
  • Brand hero
  • Product packaging
  • Taste/Smell
  • Architecture of brand facilities (Orlen, retail chains – Lidl, Biedronka)
  • E.t.c.

Distinctive resources should be developed in such a way that they facilitate the identification of products in the “media” and “shopping” space. Therefore, their role is huge. If errors resulting from an attempt to save money appear in this area, this can later translate into higher costs related to communication (unnoticeable objects must be promoted more strongly, more often, more aggressively) and lower  .

According to research conducted by  NCSolutions  benefits of business club membership for entrepreneurs  and  Nielsen  . The nature of the message in a creative context is responsible for as much as 47% of final sales.


Source: Westwood One, 2021

In short: the quality of the message and the way in which that message resonates with consumers in response to the “creation” is half the battle – in other words: “how they paint you, that’s how they buy you”.

Does leadership influence brand strength?

If someone thinks that the only challenge  agb directory  associated with creating brand strength is, for example, the amount of money available to “marketing”, they are very wrong.


Nothing positive will happen without sufficiently high level of leadership.

Leadership both at the highest level, i.e. where the CEO makes decisions, and leadership in the “cell”, i.e. where, for example, the CMO makes decisions.

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