If there are still products in their shopping cart after . They leave the shop. It is not uncommon for customers to come back and grab . The products they want. This is how automation simply leads to more sales – completely . Automatically! The prerequisite for using the shopping cart abandonment reminder is the direct connection of . Our newsletter tool to your shop software as a plugin or via rest api.
You can find out
More about this under “abandoned cart email automation”. Here’s how to do . It in steps: connect your store to cleverreach via plugin or tunisia cell phone number list rest api. Create or . Select an automation newsletter with the template specifically for cart abandoners. And done! After a . Final check, activate email automation. Reactivate inactive recipients cleverreach email marketing automation templates – reactivation .
Your recipient hasn’t responded to
Several emails? Then try to reach them with this campaign . To reactivate inactive recipients. To select the inactive recipients, first create but without a doubt the a segment for your . Recipient records that filters by last open. The automation starts at the same time every . Day and uses the segment to identify which recipients have not responded since the time . You defined. Only these recipients will be contacted.
Tip didn’t you get the
Desired reaction . Afterwards? Although the reactivation campaign could be extended indefinitely, we advise you to let it . Go for now. Otherwise, you run europe email the risk of being annoying – and risk unsubscribing . From your recipient. Only start the next reactivation campaign after an appropriate waiting period. Here’s . How to do it in steps: set the time at which the automation will run .
Each daycreate a segment
To filter all recipients who have not opened a newsletter . In x days. Please note the storage period for recipient activities in your account. Create . Or select automation newsletter. And done! After a final check, activate email automation. Save valuable . Time simplify your customer communication now and test cleverreach’s email automation for free. Try it . Now for free try it now for free use tagging as a starting point cleverreach .automation . Is a real must-have for online shop operators! This automation ensures that your e-commerce customers .