Another example is these two

Another example is these two contents focused on the term “SEO”:two contents focused on the term “SEO” and how they can be scannedAgain the one on the right is much more optimized, as it uses natural variations of the term, improving the reading of users and search engines and increasing your chances of ranking for variations of the term.In addition, it is important to position these terms in places that Google values. The title, heading tags, URL and first paragraph, for example, are places where the robot’s eyes look first.

Therefore they must appear there Title

Therefore, they must appear there.Title tagThe truemoney data title of the page that you see on the SERP, in the browser tab and when sharing links on social networks is called the Title Tag. Example of Title tagThe Title Tag is essential for Google bots, which will understand the main theme of the content, and for users. After all, the title is the reader’s first contact with the text, which can make them click on the link or not.

Because it directly influences your

Because it directly influences your click-through new hotel room rules: you’ll get more bookings rate, this tag is one of the most important factors on the page. Therefore, in the SEO strategy, this tag must include your keyword, but also be attractive to encourage the user to click and take them to your page. Meta descriptionThe meta description is the description of the page content that appears in the search results, within the snippet that also includes the title and URL of the page.Example of meta descriptionIt also works as an attraction for the user to click on the link and access the page, so it must be persuasive and descriptive about what they will find there.

However the meta description is

However, the meta description is not a direct au emai list ranking factor, that is, Google does not consider this description for ranking. Even so, it is important that the keyword appears there, as it is bold when it matches the terms that the user searched for. This way, the meta description attracts more clicks, indirectly influencing your results. Heading TagsHeading tags are the markings in the page code that identify the title and intertitles of the text. The H tag identifies the title that appears on the page, and it is important to know that it is different from the Title Tag.

After all if the Title

After all, if the Title Tag’s objective is to attract the reader’s click, the H’s objective is to convince them to read the text. You can present more benefits by not having the character limitation of the Title. See this example: Title tagTitle TagHeading TagHNext, and in hierarchical order, come the tags H, H and so on. These heading tags, in turn, identify the intertitles and show the hierarchy of your text, both to Google and to the user.

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