But, without a doubt, the Covid pandemic is already providing some reflections. We can’t control everything and that’s okay. You shouldn’t suffer for what you can’t control, and the need for isolation and the measures that have been adopted by many companies to reduce economic impacts are beyond the decision-making power of ordinary people. Therefore, don’t suffer for issues that you can’t change. Focus on situations that are within your control, such as reducing household expenses and preventing your family from having to leave the house.
You need to move forward
You need to move forward Remote dentist data work, salary adjustments and the reduction of the work team change the way you operate in the business and create insecurity, but you need to move forward, with hope and determination that your efforts now will help to make results grow again. Therefore, continue investing in your career and your life plans, even if they need to go through some adjustments. Staying focused on your goals and demonstrating strength to move forward is an important lesson that mothers can teach their children at this time.
Value and help other mothersTo
Value and help other mothersTo help other khovanskaya’s law comes into force. how to work after october 1? mothers, it is not necessary to be physically with them. Take advantage of this moment and your consumption needs to value the work of other women. Buy masks from local companies, order delivery from cooks in your region — they can be the main source of income for their families. If you work as a team remotely, as happens in some advertising agencies, give support to other colleagues and show empathy with the challenges that each of them is facing with their motherhood in times of video conferences.
Every minute is important to
Every minute is important to be happy. This aol email list moment also makes us reflect on how family time was being enjoyed. Without the availability of distractions, shopping malls, cinemas and other amenities in our daily lives, families are learning new ways to enjoy their own company. Of course, there are easier days and more difficult days, so avoid constantly following the news and statistics on the new coronavirus pandemic, as they cause even more suffering and apprehension.
Instead choose a specific moment
Instead, choose a specific moment per day and follow an official source and separate the rest to make your minutes of rest happier. Also remember that no mother is alone in this battle and, to show this, we invited other women who work directly or indirectly with Rock Content to tell us a little about their routines and solutions for remote work and motherhood. Testimony from mothers about the challenges of remote work during the Covid pandemic – Nayara Lima, Account Manager Associate — BrazilThe routine of a professional mother is full of surprises and challenges, but also many unique moments.