See Before Hiring Me

Or see before hiring me purchasing from me or buying my product? Here’s what I . mean Say you’re an agency or a consultant with an average contract cost of around . 10K The final action you want a site visitor to take is to actually book . your services right? That is your goal Once you have your goal you want to . start filling in the middle part of that customer journey Unless your traffic is ridiculously .

Warm They’re Not Going to

Warm they’re not going to buy a 10 or 20 grand albania cell phone number list consultation package from your . website content alone So what do they need to do or see before they’re actually . going to hire you as an agency or as a consultant? I’m gonna guess if . they’re hiring you for agency services coaching or consulting they probably wanna hop on a . call with you right? What information or content do they need to make that decision? .

Now If You Are a

Now if you are a SaaS company the main goal exploring the features of the rodtep scheme might be a free trial . Hellobar for example uses a freemium product — it is free to start and users . can upgrade within the product Free demos or freemium trials really give people a chance . to see what you can do and move them through the buyer cycle So now . that you know what your main goal is what’s the next step? Do you show .

Them the Cool Stuff Your

Them the cool stuff your software does? Do you changsha mobile phone number list need to educate them about why . the problem you solve is such a big deal? This part will vary by company . and industry but working backward helps ensure that every action every piece of content stays . laser-focused on your end goal — whatever that goal is Step 4 Test and try . again Once you have set your goal and you have your offer — whether that .

Is a Free Trial or

Is a free trial or a webinar or what have you — you’ll want to . implement it and then start testing This is something you’re going to do over and . over again so look for ways to streamline the testing process Trust me it’s going . to make your life way easier For example you can use Leadfeeder to understand when . you should be displaying your offers By showing more targeted offers you can increase conversion .

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