What is a brand?


According to  The  encyclopedia of management . A brand is a name . Tymbol, term, design, graphic sign, or a combinationTheeof created to identify and distinguish goods or services from other competing products.  A brand may consist of a verbal part (name) and a non-verbal part (symbol, logo).”

A brand is the sum of emotional associations that arise in the recipient’s mind based on contact with the distinctive brand resources (logo . Visual identification, etc.) and the reputation created as a result of experiencing the brand.


A brand is also an Understanding of usability  hong kong telegram data  – that is, the issue of whether the recipient knows who the brand is for . Then and where to use it, why, what for and how, with whom (or without whom), etc.

What benefits does a brand provide?

The benefits provided by a brand can be grouped what is important to know to make money from published content  into two categories . Benefits for the brand user and benefits for the owner.


  • A brand guarantees The quality of a product/service – the consumer knows what he is buying.
  • The brand effectively differentiates products/services from those of the competition.
  • The brand provides a sense of security in The transaction.
  • A brand identifies distinguishing features that influence consumer decisions.
  • The brand makes choice easier for consumers in crowded segments.
  • A brand is a symbol of the values ​​​​of the owner.
  • The brand guarantees high standardization of the product/service.
  • A brand shortens the decision-making process because it is a carrier of trust that reduces consumer uncertainty.
  • A brand builds a sense of identity, e.g. of a successful person when he or she buys brands positioned as fashionable and luxurious.
  • A brand provides greater room to build margins compared to generic products, giving greater earning potential.
  • It allows one to express aspirations to a specific subculture or social class, e.g. middle or upper.
  • Branded products have a much stronger loyalty force than generic products.
  • E.t.c.
  • E.t.c.

What can’t you count on a strong brand without?

At the strategic level . It is difficult to talk about a strong brand with an undefined positioning – a brand that does not know what it is and who it is intended for condemns itself to problems with staying on the market.

If the brand you manage does not have a  agb directory  clear positioning . It is high time to do some catching up. Without this effort . You will have a huge difficulty in effectively differentiating yourself from your competitors. This problem increases exponentially when The   niche you operate in is “crowded. (I wrote about what positioning is here: ).


However . When we already have a specific positioning for our brand that effectively differentiates it from competitors . It is also necessary to properly arrange communication proportions that will ensure that the effects of brand building and sales activation activities will synergistically support each other.


It is crucial to properly manage brand communication in such a way as not to kill The  brand building potential with pressure to temporarily increase the number of transactions.

According to Les Binet and Peter Field . TYhe optimal level of distribution of activities divided into brand building and sales activation is 60-40.  The  are differences in specific categories . In which the accents may be distributed differently.

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