How long does it take to see the effects of the adopted strategy?

Marketing strategy takes time. If weeks pass and there are still no results of the implemented improvements, then most likely not all the assumptions have had time to take hold. However, an effective strategy always requires patience and consistency from those responsible for its implementation.

The lack of immediate effects of the adopted canada telegram data  strategy is certainly not a good argument for taking actions that contradict its assumptions.


This is confirmed by the research conducted by  Les Binet and Peter Field, which shows that successive brand building step by step . In the long term, brings effects whose scale significantly exceeds the benefits resulting from focusing only on short-term sales activation (You can read more about this ).

At the same time, researchers note that these effects are visible on average  6 months after the start of the brand-forming processes.


Source: Binet and Field, Media in Focus: Marketing Effectiveness in the Digital Era, 2017


Patience in strategy implementation pays off, there is no doubt about it. The strongest brands on the market are those that stick to their adopted assumptions for years, consistently implementing their vision, while resisting the temptation to go beyond the chosen path.

We can therefore say that in marketing . The winner is the one who knows

To sum up:

    • The marketing strategy has a long-term  what infobusinessmen sell horizon. It is assumed that updates to brand pillars should be carefully considered and based on solid marketing research.
    • Brands that constantly change what they are about and who they are intended for have no chance of becoming strong brands.
    • A long-term marketing strategy doesn’t mean a brand is dead and boring. Quite the opposite: brands that have well-developed strategic assumptions have the chance to create their own unique voice and style . Which will create a lasting and “living” bond with their audience.
    • Implementing a marketing strategy is not  agb directory  an easy or quick process. It requires diligence, creativity . And consistent monitoring of the brand’s positioning assumptions.
    • Ensuring that creative is consistent with the marketing strategy is a key task of a brand manager.

If you are looking for a way to grow your business . EReach new customers, retain existing ones . And at the same time increase profitability . You have come to the right place.

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