How to guide a client through the funnel
- Attract his attention, use marketing tools – free (content marketing, SEO, newsletters) and paid (advertising – contextual and targeted).
- Arouse interest in the information product: offer a free “bait” – an introductory lesson, lecture, webinar, checklist. Convince the potential buyer that you are selling something that is useful to him.
- Encourage the purchase of a product using motivators – bonuses, discounts, gifts, prizes for winning a quiz or completing a survey on social networks.
After the purchase, a competent infobusinessman does not abandon the client – be sure to form feedback channels: answer questions, consult, work with reviews and objections. Infobusiness is constant communication between the brand and the buyer.
A smart person learns not from his own mistakes, but from others. Newcomers to the infobusiness often make fairly typical mistakes – and as a result, competitors easily push them out of their chosen niche. This causes panic in novice infobusinessmen, they hastily begin to develop and monetize other niches, without thinking about why they were unsuccessful in the first one, without working through their own mistakes, without analyzing the shortcomings of the product. And their information business fails again. What exactly are they wrong about?
I want to become a millionaire
Every infopreneur dreams of this. But dreams dentist data should be balanced with possibilities. Only cool and experienced professionals who are well versed in the needs of the target audience and infoproduct formats can create an infobusiness solely for the sake of big earnings. Infopreneurs who are capable of selling God knows what for serious money do exist, but there are only a few of them. And keep in mind: their activities are not always considered legal (precisely because the product is God knows what).
Don’t take this risky path – it’s wiser to create a product that is truly useful, needed and interesting to people. Don’t consider clients idiots: today the market is oversaturated with information business products. And people have already heard about the concept of “infogypsies”.
And do not overstate the price of the information product significantly above the market! Otherwise, customers will go to competitors with adequate prices.
A miser pays twice
Is it possible to create an info project without any investment in it? To start it – certainly. To promote it – hardly possible. Info business does not develop without investment. All info businessmen whose product “took off” and started to generate income (sometimes unexpectedly for the expert himself) will definitely invest in its development – at least in advertising.
If the project requires specialists (teachers, writers, SEO specialists, SMM specialists, marketers), do not try to hire dumping newbies and underachievers. The bad results of their work will rather harm the project and business as a whole than bring benefits and profit. You will acquire a bad reputation in the niche – and you will have to pay for it: fix the “jambs” of the previous team, search for clients for a long time, try to retain them with all your might.
A weaver, a doctor, and a ball player – a 10-in-1 infopreneur
Beginning infobusinessmen often make this mistake: they scatter across different niches, create five or ten superficial courses (or other info products) on what they think are popular topics. One expert has videos on how to fix plumbing yourself, webinars on family relationships, and a course on “How to create a website on Tilda without programming”… And everything is secondary and uninteresting. Firstly, such things do not sell, it is easy to find higher-quality info products on the same topic. Secondly, you spoil your own reputation in the information business by entering the public space as a person offering uninteresting, but diverse products.
Where would you go if you wanted to buy, say, new Nike sneakers? A boutique of this brand, a store of a reliable retailer – or Avito, where they will offer you Nike, but used, Reebok, but new and New Balance, but children’s?
I myself!
The path for self-confident people who are convinced that they are perfectly versed in all the work processes of the infobusiness. Are you a universal infobusinessman — both an expert and a speaker, an author of sales texts, a creator of courses? And do you also know how to set up targeted advertising, are you able to create a website or landing page with excellent visuals and usability, do you understand analytics? If you really know how to do all this and do not want to delegate it to specialists (so as not to pay them) — this is great. But it is fraught with the danger of fatigue and burnout. Keep in mind that in the information business, such things as a positive emotional attitude and a pronounced desire to communicate with the audience are extremely important. Is this accessible to a tired and burned-out expert?
Infoproduct “Abibas”
Do you know what it is? Under this name they usa mobile phone numbers details sold a fake Adidas brand, copying the appearance of things, but not their quality. And the business was going great – exactly until the original was available to buyers. Do not try to use and sell other people’s ideas within the same niche. Firstly, only the creator can really develop and package exclusive content well. You will get “second-freshness sturgeon”. Secondly, plagiarism is banal theft. Theft of someone else’s intellectual property. Modern competent experts and infobusinessmen who have been working in the information business for a long time are excellent at protecting their own copyrights. If you do not want trouble, including financial damage, do not steal.
About the laws on infobusiness
At the moment, the State Duma is developing b2c fax a project to regulate infobusiness and a new OKVED for it. Get ready for any innovations:
- Analyze your work from a legal perspective: what kind of information product are you selling, what services are you offering.
- Determine the type of your organization based on the services you offer.
- Analyze the team (if there is one) and legal relationships with partners (experts, teachers, curators, etc.): conclusion of contracts, use of tax systems.
- Get an education license.
- Assess how relationships with information product consumers (clients, students) and advertisers are developed. Make sure that all contracts and programs comply with current legislation.
- Check how personal data is processed, whether there is accreditation, certification of workplaces, whether the requirements of the Federal Law “On Advertising” are met.
- Analyze the content to ensure it does not violate copyright or Russian legislation.
Get all your legal documentation in order. This will help you work legally, avoid fines, sanctions and reputational risks. Good luck, aspiring infopreneur! Information business is interesting and profitable when you do everything right.